Thursday, December 3, 2009

the o-o-z

as it is now referred to at my sister's house. if said allowed or spelled correctly, riley kate, my 3 year old niece, has her bags packed and car seat buckled in 2.5 seconds. so, it was fun to finally experience the zoo through riley's eyes. this girl is destined to be an elephant trainer, or at least a zoo tour guide.

RK Boost, Sharpen IMG_9855

mary adelyn was actually a little more interested in the animals than what we thought she would be. probably because byron and i were both expecting to see the zoo that we remembered growing up. luckily for the kids, and the animals, it is in much better standing. the parakeet retreat was definitely a fun spot.


but not quite as fun as the goats and sheep.

MA & Goat Sharpen, Boost IMG_9835

this girl loves to 'pat them gently.' the zebras were pretty cool, but not nearly as interesting as the fence that contained them.

MA Boost IMG_9821

and to finish off the tour, there's nothing better than a merry-go-round.

MA Boost IMG_9844-1

we had a great time and somehow managed to escape with these three monkeys.

Cousins BWB IMG_9870


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