we've had an extra crib mattress for quite some time, just sitting in the corner of the guest room. obviously, we both hate to just through something away, as evidenced by the amount of time the mattress remained in our guest room corner. well, that or the fact that it would require spare time to be able to take it somewhere. so, byron had the great idea to use it as a "gate" to block the entrance into the hallway this weekend. with the crazy idea that if we could block her in one room, we might actually be able to just sit and hang out on the couch--not so much. so, i decided that we could spoil the dogs a little and lay it flat for them in the living room. and yes, it was intended to be a one time thing. but it seems that the dogs and mary adelyn have adopted it as their new favorite place in the living room.
delia doesn't mind sharing this with babies.
real or fake. and the best part is, mary adelyn has a new place to watch for her daddy to come home.

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