Monday, November 30, 2009

first things, first

here's a peek of the girlie's first birthday tailgate. she wasn't quite sure of what to think while watching us run around and get the tailgate situated. so, she just sat on the chick-fil-a nugget platter (minus the nuggets, of course) and soaked it all in.

MA 1st Bday IMG_9762

and then, like the light above the griswold family christmas tree, her cousin mia arrived.


oh, how we love mia. i'm already thinking of ways we can smuggle her back to asheville with us. and when mia found bigger people to play with, the tunnel arrived!

MA & ME Tunnel IMG_9805

i have a feeling a tunnel very similar to this one will find a permanent place in our hallway. i'm sure the dogs will adjust to their new mode of travel down the hallway. don't worry, cousin elic got his chance in the tunnel too.

now for the most important of details...the sweets! mmm, hamburger cupcakes.

Cupcakes IMG_9736

well, not really hamburger. more like brownie-burger cupcakes. they actually tasted as good as they looked. i found this really cute idea on one of my favorite cooking/baking blogs. and you know, you can't have burgers without fries.

Cupcakes IMG_9742

that's what sugar cookies are for. special thanks to the chick-fil-a of clayton, ga for sponsoring this event.

mary adelyn thoroughly enjoyed her very own red velvet birthday cake (although, i'm pretty sure she never really made it past the icing).

MA Boost IMG_9787

and even decided to share with her daddy.

MA & Daddy BoostIMG_9786

this girl is a true sweetheart, especially now that she has entered the world of sugar. all in all, it was a wonderful tailgate. we couldn't have asked for better weather. and the amount of friends and family that traveled to athens truly amazed us. byron kept saying the last time we had that many people gathered for an event was for our wedding. which just so happen to take place about 15 feet to the right of our tailgate.

it's still hard to believe that mary adelyn is officially a toddler.

MA FC IMG_9796

here's to many more years just as fun as the last!


margaret said...

oh, my goodness... those hamburgers and fries are the cutest things EVER!! great job. looks like you guys had a perfect day!

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