Monday, December 28, 2009

christmas celebration--round one

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one of the joys of having such a big family is being able to have multiple celebrations. fortunately, we were able to forge the snow roads and make it to georgia last weekend. i'll give you two guesses for all that jack wanted for christmas.

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speaking of two. i'm thinking there are only two things that keep little emery's bottom stationary. 1. video game 2. opening presents


these are pretty much the only non-blurry pictures i have of him.

mia drew an excellent rendition of our very own family portrait. byron's the one on the far right. evidently, mia was feeling pretty generous with the brown marker. 'tis the season.

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while she wasn't practicing on becoming the next davinci, she was cuddling up to our little honey bunny.


and here's a shot of quite possibly the cutest kids in history

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hope your holidays were as merry as ours.


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