mary adelyn has an official best friend at her day care. they smile when they see each other, they play together (yes, they actually play together--not just next to each other), they make each other laugh, and today it was taken to a whole new level. the little man had just awoke from his afternoon nap and was not very happy about it. so, mary adelyn crawled over to him and patted his back while leaning down to give him hugs. it was by far the cutest thing that i've ever seen. all the grandma's kept saying that she's going to be a nurse and it must be in her genes. i told them that i would make sure to share that with byron, seeing as how he is convinced i lack compassion or nurturing abilities, towards
him anyway. i tried to explain that there's only so much compassion and nurturing that one can hand out everyday. and it just so happens that the little elementary students reach my max daily, leaving little left for a 33 yr old man.
and just because i do not like posts without pictures. here's a shot of our big girl from a few weekends ago.
i'd say she's adjusting to the cold weather walks pretty good. thanks mimi for the super cute sweater find! we love it!
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