byron is currently training for a half-marathon in september and full marathon in november. thankfully, the weather has been cooperating enough (meaning not too hot) for him to take the old ladies with him. layla LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to run. delia goes because she forgets what is about to happen. before they left for a run on saturday morning i made sure to say, "good luck byron, good luck delia, have fun layla." oh, how true that is.
with all the running that has been taking place, we're able to witness first hand the real meaning of dog tired.
there's nothing like a good sun bath after a long run. unfortunately, they never remember that we don't have air conditioning.
on a side note: i mentioned to byron what i ate for lunch today. he said (and i quote), "maybe you should start running." hmm. how should one react to that suggestion? he claims he was inferring that the amount of carbs would help with my energy. i'm not so sure he wasn't talking about my cookie handles, as i call them.

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