thank you big john for letting her borrow your hat. got to protect that soon-to-be round head.

here are a few pictures that we captured of our asheville family. this is jill and deacon.

deacon is the one who started all of the baby mania amongst our friends. once he was born, the rest of us decided we too wanted to join the procreate in 2008 club. he's such a big boy now...

speaking of big boys, big john has just about caught up to mary adelyn. they were supposed to be 3 months apart, but john decided he had to be a part of the 2008 club as well. so he decided to come 8 weeks early, making them just 2 weeks apart. here he is with his mom, vicki.

john preferred to play in the pool from this direction.

it was so much fun to see the two of them playing together. we definitely got flash forwards of what is to come.

as you can see, mary adelyn couldn't get enough of him.

i'm sure you can imagine what happened after that. poor john did not enjoy his nose being smushed by mary adelyn's band. i'm sure it won't be the last time she makes him cry. watch out big john, she's going to be a heart breaker.

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