due to recent mobile attackings, mary adelyn's crib has been lowered a notch. funny, i keep calling it her big girl bed now. i know, i know. she's got a ways to go before that happens. we also thought that the lowered mattress would allow her to get into the crib herself. looks like she's thinking the same thing.

in other much more exciting news: mary adelyn's banded days are numbered. SIX. yep, six more days and then she officially graduates from the doc band! 8 weeks of banding= 1 round head. next monday will be our girlie's first graduation. no gifts necessary.
moving on...
growing up, after a long day of shopping with my nana and papa hammock (aka nan and pop), we would always come home and model the clothes that they so graciously bought for us. i thought it would be fitting for mary adelyn to start the same tradition.

watch out boys, girl looks good in polka-dots. as you can see, byron is not quite sure what to think. thank you mimi for the super cute outfits and bathing suit!

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