sorry for the pause in posts. we are now the new owners of a brand spanking new laptop. so, we should be back in the blogging business. things have been quite busy here in the mountains. i'll let the photos do the talking.

nah, i'll still narrate. it's hard to believe that the girlie has reached the SIXTH MONTH milestone!
six month tricks:
sleeping on her side and belly
attacking the mobile at 4am
yogurt, avocados, sweet potatoes, and bananas
reaching out to pet the old ladies (aka the dogs)
looks like she is just as surprised as we are.

nope, the six did not last long.

and for anyone wondering how delia managed to get a bacterial infection.

this is pretty much her new sitting area in the backyard. the groundhog hole happens to be just a few inches from the end of her nose. evidently, close calls with groundhogs can lead to bacterial infections. ah, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. no learning curve there.