whew. to say that we've had a busy week would be an understatement. we managed to stay dry and make it to the annual brewgrass festival, visit with our friends mick and michelle from d.c. (who by the way are planning to move here. yay!), and make some potential life changing decisions. but before we skip ahead too far, here's a shot of the little lady partaking in her very first brewgrass festival.

pretzel necklaces are pretty much required for all attendees. i'm thinking we should use this brilliant concept for tailgating as well. i can't believe we haven't thought of that before.
now on to the potentially life altering news. the house of alday is officially on the market. yep. for sale. we stumbled across a house a few weeks ago and decided to walk through it "just to see." this is how i convinced byron :) after walking through the house and daydreaming about what we would do with more than one bathroom, we decided that it was worth trying to sell ours for. so, after some major cleaning, decluttering, and depersonalizing there is now a sign in our front yard. our hope is to try and sell ours before the other one goes under contract. if we aren't able to sell in time, then will most likely pull ours off the market. the good thing is that we really love the house that we are in. evidently, more than i was even aware. i've felt bad ever since they put the sign in the yard. almost like we've been cheating on our house. i keep looking at the pictures of our house on the real estate website and asking myself, "now, why are we moving?" and then i remember the thought of having extra bedrooms, another bathroom, a master bedroom with a bathroom, and then i start the whole daydreaming process again.
it will definitely be an interesting process. you know, trying to keep a house in 'showing condition' with a little one (almost walking--mind you) and two dogs running around. so far, so good. we made it through the first day. now, the weekdays might be more of an issue. coming up this week we are having a broker preview on tuesday, a broker lunch on thursday and our first open house on sunday. wish us luck!