we are well on our way to having a dried-in space. the electrical, plumbing, and hvac were all completed this past week. up next, sheet rock and drywall. i guess i should start thinking about paint colors. i'm sure the mere thought of paint samples sends chills up byron's spine. have i mentioned before that i'm not one for making quick concrete decisions? well, at least when it comes to decorating :) enough talking, here's the current view of our lovely abode.
view of the kitchen nook
view of the master bathroom
(tub/shower under the far right windows. chair & ottoman under the windows on the left)
view of the back and with a larger than planned deck (thanks to a little thing known as the exposed sewer line incident). now, i have one more space to gather inspiration photos for :)view of master bathroom windows from the side of the house
the pedestal tub with shower enclosure will be directly under those windows. here's a little insight into the master bathroom inspiration...
luckily, i scored a great chair at the habitat restore for only $10. this will be my first ever reupholstering project. any and all advice welcome!
we are looking at maybe one more week of no disruption in our living areas. after that, they'll begin to open up the walls and windows to the new space. this will also lead to the removal of all things (cabinets, appliances, etc...) in the kitchen for the new wood floors to be placed. fun, fun.