so, here's a little recap of our future plans...
this is the view of the back portion of our house
not the exact plans, but pretty close
master bathroom, checknot the exact plans, but pretty close
laundry room, check
kitchen nook, check
what else could a girl want? actually, just a few more things that i've saved in my "bring these up post addition construction" file :)
so, here are the before pictures of our wonderful bungalow (backyard view)...
master bedroom on the left and kitchen/laundry area on the right
here's the view looking into the kitchen from the soon-to-be family room, former dining room...and yes, the tv is gone. we were just waiting for the dumpster to arrive, i promise.
and after just 3 days of demolition (of a perfectly good house, i might add)...
delia and layla are still trying to get used to the fact that they can't just walk out the back door anymore. they are actually tempted to jump every time we open the door. but don't worry, we walk their old lady legs around the side to the back yard. and just for caution sake, we've asked that the door be screwed shut. byron blamed it on mary adelyn's increasing ability to reach the door knobs, although, i think it's because he's afraid he might just forget and walk out one morning. we've each had to make the climb into the house on separate occasions, after having left the house without a front door key. not fun at all.
here's one of mary adelyn watching handy manny work on our house...
she thinks it is too cool that we have our own personal handy manny at our house. although, she keeps calling him daddy, because i tried to explain that he is working and she thinks that the words "daddy" and "working" automatically go together. interesting.
please stay tuned for pictures and much needed design advice! i can't close my eyes without seeing vanities, light fixtures, tubs, banquettes, kitchen colors....the list could go on and on.